Brazilian Cherry

Trade or Common Name: Brazilian cherry, jatoba, courbaril
Local Name: Guapinol
Botanical Name: Hymenaea courbaril
Family: Caesalpiniaceae

The Tree: Brazilian cherry is a large canopy tree, sometimes reaching a height of 150 feet in the natural rainforest, with a cylindrical trunk up to 6 feet in diameter and a clear bole of 60 to 80 feet. The tree has a smooth gray bark that exudes a gum sometimes used for medicinal purposes. Brazilian cherry is leguminous, or nitrogen-fixing.

Status: Brazilian cherry has been heavily exploited because of its beauty and high value, and is now rare and in danger of extinction outside of national parks and preserves. It is listed in CITES Appendix II.

The Wood: Brazilian cherry is a very beautiful reddish brown wood, with an interlocking grain and a golden luster or glow beneath. It is a hard, heavy and very strong wood, having a specific gravity .91. Brazilian cherry steam-bends well, and glues well, although nailing may require pre-drilling.

Uses: Brazilian cherry is prized for its beauty and used in fine furniture and cabinetry, flooring, stair treads, parquet, architectural details, highly decorative veneers, joinery and turnery.

Availability: We grow Brazilian cherry trees both in pure plantings and as part of our Premium Mixture.

How to order trees

Brazilian Cherry