Going Green With Your Flooring

More and more of our customers ask us every day what options that they have for "green" flooring products and obviously the need has arisen for a more proactive approach to our environment. With more information about harsh and harmful additives, by-products, and hazardous components present in various building materials and the impact that these substances have on Mother Earth and our health, "green" products are in very high demand these days. Not only is health consciousness an issue, but also the sustainability of the forests worldwide. We are all aware of the greenhouse effect warnings that appear in the news almost daily, so taking a few extra steps to do what we can every day to ensure that our planet and our homes are safe and habitable places becomes not only a prudent choice, but a social obligation.

We at Floormall.com wish to offer our customers the opportunity to be responsible and take advantage of some of our excellent "green Friendly" products. All of the products that you are about to see are VOCs compliantvolatile organic compounds), come from manufacturers that practice responsible harvesting practices, and/ or come from quick and easily renewable sources (like Bamboo and Cork). (meaning that they contain little or no

Did you know that Bamboo is a grass product that grows incredibly fast and is generally harvested in 3-7 years? What about Cork, which comes from the Cork Oak tree that is never actually cut down- they just peel the bark off every 8-14 years! These are just two of the products listed below that would be excellent environmentally safe choices for your upcoming project. Remember: It is the choices that we make today that will impact the world that we live in tomorrow!

Green Flooring Choices:

Bamboo: Bamboo is a grass product harvested in China and Southeast Asia. It grows extremely fast- regenerating without need for replanting or fertilizers!

Cork: Harvested predominantly in the Mediterranean region of the world, cork flooring is made from the compressed bark of the cork tree. No trees are cut down at all!

Lyptus: a flooring product that is a hybrid of two species of eucalyptus trees. The trees grow to full size in less than 25 years and are being used extensively in replanting the rain forests of South America.

The FSC:

The Forest Stewardship Council was created to change the dialogue about and the practice of sustainable forestry worldwide. FSC sets forth principles, criteria, and standards that span economic, social, and environmental concerns. The FSC is the leading agency in our industry that determines what is considered environmentally responsible. They are recognized by the World Wildlife Fund as the benchmark for forest management standards that have now been applied in over 57 countries around the world. The manufacturers that you see listed in this area of our website are all certified members of the FSC, practicing responsible harvesting, production, and distribution of wood products worldwide.

The TFF:

The Tropical Forest Foundation is a non-profit, educational institution dedicated to the conservation of tropical forests through sustainable forestry. TFF has become widely recognized for establishing demonstration models and training schools to show the advantages and teach the principles of sustainable forest management/Reduced-impact Logging.

The Foundation's Board of Directors includes representatives from industry, government, science, academia, and conservation. Each member has an interest in seeing tropical forests renewed and sustained.