Why Plant Tropical Hardwood Trees?

World consumption of tropical hardwoods has multiplied nearly 25 times in just the last four decades to more than 100 billion board feet of tropical hardwoods now being consumed each year.

At the same time, the world's tropical rainforests are being destroyed at the rate of 35 to 50 million acres each year, and along with them the world's supply of tropical hardwoods.

Teak at 5 years - click for full size image
Steve with five year old teak

As a result, prices of tropical hardwoods continue to escalate. Cocobolo is now often sold by the pound, and a single teak log can bring as much as $20,000.

The continually increasing demand for tropical hardwoods, coupled with the rapidly decreasing availability of the natural rainforests as a source of supply, make planting and growing selected tropical hardwood species for harvest a uniquely profitable opportunity.

The Demand

The Supply

Tropical Rainforests

The Dilemma

The Solution

The Opportunity

Tropical American Tree Farms

Select Tropical Hardwood Species

We will grow Tropical Hardwoods for You!

Our Guarantees


next page - The Demand